Increase productivity.

Lower turnover. Save money.

We are passionate about happiness at work. And we focus on resolving and managing conflicts. Seems like disconnected topics?

Not. At. All!

Too often, the ways work gets done get in the way of social connection. Yet, fostering social connections leads to happier, more effective, more efficient work.

Understanding how to build a happier work culture is essential to building the team no one wants to leave. That means building a psychologically safe workplace. It also means hiring external resources for a truly neutral approach to managing and resolving the inevitable conflicts that arise.

We accelerate innovation for bold leaders in mission-driven businesses, ending the costly turnover that comes from toxic work environments. Along the way, we help leaders who care foster happiness and productivity for all employees.

Did you know the average employee wastes four hours a week on conflict?

That adds up, quickly. For each employee, it’s 2 days a month - 24 days a year!

The statistic is an average, so of course some folks waste less time. And some waste even more.

The costs add up quickly, especially when you consider how many employees are impacted by simply observing a conflict between colleagues. A single dismissive or rude comment can lead to as much as 12% turnover.

Your work - your mission - is too important to be derailed by internal conflicts.

That’s where we step in.

Who are we?

Chantilly Mediation and Facilitation (CM&F) is a network of diverse partners highly skilled in facilitating effective conversations, active listening, building consensus, training adult workers in the 21st century, and having a real impact on client workforces.

Gina D’Andrea Weatherup

Founder & CEO

We spend too much time working to not be happy at work!  


I started Chantilly Mediation and Facilitation because I thrive working with small groups to improve how they communicate - the simplest of interpersonal interactions.

We all deserve to be happy at work.

So many disputes start because of misunderstandings. And those that don’t start off that way often get worse because the parties find it difficult to really hear each other. As a mediator, I serve as the outsider who can facilitate creative conversations people get to tell their own stories, hear each other’s perspectives, and pivot to focusing on how the future should be. At Chantilly Mediation and Facilitation, mediation is both one of our services, and the basis for everything we do. The essential skills in my toolbox are emotional intelligence, empathy, active listening, and the gift of being able to ask questions and reframe issues with a focus on the future.

So often, we are hired not for discrete conflicts but to run meetings - meetings with:

  • External stakeholders across multiple disciplines and industries

  • A Board of Directors for their annual meeting

  • Internal teams needing to create strategic or actionable plans or processes

Our approach to these meetings is the same as when mediating conflicts: Creating a safe space for people to fully engage and be open about their needs and concerns.

In my view, safe spaces are all about improving communications, a theme of my career. From undergraduate classes and a graduate teaching assistantship in Women’s Studies, to working in equal employment opportunity for the U.S. Army, to organizing and lobbying to improve health care funding and access, to helping small businesses create strategic plans and improve their online presence.

At the center of all of this has always been - and will always be - empathy & active listening.

If you’re interested in connecting with me, you can email or reach out via LinkedIn.

You can also read more about why I do what I do on the blog.

Proud to Be Woman-Owned

Memberships & Certifications

Certified Virtual Facilitator (TM)

Certified General District Mediator (Virginia Supreme Court)

Virginia Mediation Network

Mid-Atlantic Facilitator Network (MAFN)

Certified EQ-i 2.0 Practitioner Premium Member


Northern Virginia Mediation Services, Certificate in Mediation Skills and Practice (UC Berkeley), Professional Certificate in the Science of Happiness at Work

The George Washington University, Master of Arts, Women’s Studies

Hartwick College, B.A., Independent Student Program, Women’s Studies, Minor Economics

See Gina In Action


Conflict Resolution, VaVa Virtual Assistants, May 15, 2024

FXCO Public Meeting: Equitable Vaccine Distribution to Underserved Communities. Sponsored by Network NOVA, Black Women United for Action, VA Latino Advisory Board, and the Rowan Tree Antiracism + Equity in Action Committee, 4/8/2021

If you’re curious about how Gina facilitates a conversation and you run a mission-driven organization, learn about our private roundtables.